Next Generation

We have just lost the vast majority of our Next Generation members to university, so this Sunday morning group will not be running until our next group of older young people are ready to move up. Watch this space! Sunday school is running though.

Next Generation is for 13 – young adults. Each session involves Bible teaching and prayer, alongside drama, ice breakers and other activities. Discussion is encouraged around current issues facing teenagers and worldwide concerns. Next Generation members gather in the front left side pews of church at 1030 and go to the vestry (through door under organ loft and turn left), after the opening prayer. The young people come back up for communion or a blessing, and then often go back out to finish. Next Generation meets on the first, second and fourth Sundays. On third Sundays, the young people stay in the service and take part if they wish to.

Additional needs
We are committed to ensuring that our youth groups are a welcoming environment for all. If your child/young person has additional needs, please tell us so that we can support them as best we can. Thank you.

General information

  • All our leaders and helpers have completed safeguarding training via the diocese of St. Albans, and DBS checks.
  • Parents/Guardians of children/young people under 18 will need to complete a registration form.
  • We have a WhatsApp group for keeping in touch with members and their parents/guardians.
  • For all enquiries regarding youth work at St. Marys Church Woburn, please contact the church office.

If your child/young person has symptoms of a cold or bug, please keep them home. Thank you.