St Mary’s is a Church of England Church in the Diocese of St Albans.  By browsing the menus below you can find out about our vision, faith and identity, worship, mission links, the Church ministries and leadership.

Regular Newsletter

Our newsletter has information about all our Churches in the Woburn Benefice, details of upcoming events, and contact details for the Rector and Administrator.

Click here to see the latest version.

The Bible Course – new study groups

Two new Connect Groups start in September.

They are free and everyone is welcome.

Based on a course from the Bible Society, the sessions will equip you to read the world’s best-selling book better, and help you to see its relevance to daily life. 

Groups will be held at The Vicarage, Park Street, Woburn MK17 9PG

Click on the button below for details, and to sign up.


Holy Communion is a traditional Service. There is Bible based preaching leading to the celebration of communion. We gather at the Lord’s table to celebrate and encounter the living Lord by faith and with thanksgiving as we receive the bread and wine.

All practising Christians of any denomination are welcome to share in Holy Communion with us.


Informal Communion is a service using contemporary forms of worship lead by our worship team, including modern songs as well as traditional hymns.

This service also includes communion.


A Holy Communion service which follows the Book of Common Prayer format. 

Held in the Lady Chapel at St Mary’s Parish Church, Woburn at 10am on the first Thursday of each month.





Evensong: Evensong is at 6pm on the first Sunday of Each month. This very traditional Service is taken from the Book of Common Prayer 1662. We gather in the chancel on the first Sunday of each Month for this Service.

Benefice Service: When any month has a fifth Sunday, we usually have a Benefice Service.
This means that all four congregations in the Woburn Benefice meet together for Sunday worship at one of the Churches.






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Contact Details

Email: admin@woburnbenefice.co.uk


If you wish to donate online, please click the button below.